In the Autumn the whole area is a mass of fungi. Over sixty different species have been identified on the land. Here are the few that we have photographed so far.
This is the Green Wood Cup (Chlorociboria aeruginascens) which can be found all over the area. It only appears in this form in the Autumn but can be found easily all year round because it stains the wood green/cyan.
At one time the stained wood was highly prized as a veneer because it was used in the manufacture of marquetry work known as Tunbridge Ware.
For the rest of the year the wood looks like this
Mushrooms and other fungi of Great Britain and
Europe, Roger Phillips (Macmillan Reference
Country Guides - Fungi of Britain and Northern
Europe, Paul Sterry (Chancellor Press 1991)
A Magna Field Guide - Mushrooms, Mirko Svrcek
(Magna Books 1994)
Encyclopaedia of Fungi - Gerrit J Keiser (Rebo Productions 1997)
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