Marsh Ragwort (Senecio aquaticus) (Compositae) To learn more about ragworts click on the picture. |
Knapweed Centaurea Nigra (Compositae) |
Marsh Woundwort Stachys palustris - (Labiatae) |
Corn Mint (Mentha Arvensis (Labiatae) |
Marsh Thistle The Marsh Thistles have done their work in feeding the butterflies and are now going to seed. |
The Devil's Bit Scabious has appeared, mainly in FieldTwo, but we have found some even as far away as field four. At first just a few hard heads appear but by the end of August the plant is growing in profusion. |
Rowan or Mountain Ash (Sorbus aucuparia) Rosaceae The berries on the Rowan are beginning to ripen. |
This is a member of the Hogweed family - Heracleum | |
Already the seeds are beginning to form. | |
Heather - yet to be named | |
The Marsh Woundwort (Stachys palustris - Labiatae) is in full flower at this time of the year | |
Also nearby there is a lot of Corn Mint ( Mentha Arvensis). The two plants combined give a purplish hue to the areas. In small quantities its oil can be used as an antiseptic. |
This is Hemp Agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum) This is very common in Fields Three and Four and, as you can see, attracts many butterflies. It's also very popular with Hoverflies. | |
This one, in Field Four , has attracted a female Drone Fly. | |
To see the flora for other months return to main FLOWER PAGE | |
Page updated 13th June 2009 | |
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