Hoverfly - Helophilus pendulus (our thanks to Colin A Jacobs for confirming our identification) |
Sericomyia silentis |
Fly - poss.Orthellia Cornicina |
This one, found in September 2004 is Helophilus trivittatus. Our thanks to Roger Morris for identifying this one. |
This one appeared in a moth trap at the end of July 2004 Tom Killick of Oxfordshire believes it to be a Yellow Dung-fly, (Scatophaga stercoraria) |
This one was spotted in June 2009. | |
And another one from a different angle - June 2009. | |
This Fleshfly is most likely a member of the Phaonia species (Muscidae) Tom Killick tells us that it is a Sarcophaga carnaria. |
We thought this was a Furry Bee Mimic (Cheilosiini chrysocoma) but Roger Morris very kindly wrote to us and identified it as a male Actophila superbiens. |
We had quite a successful photo shoot in August 2004 and managed to get the eight below. Steve Covey very kindly e-mailed us with their identifications. The following three were all together on the one plant one August. This is a male Eristalis arbustorum |
This male is either an Eristalis interruptus or cryptarum | |
This one has yellow front legs. It's an Eristalis pertinax. Our thanks to Roger Morris for the identification. |
This is a female Eristalis pertinax. The front and mid tarsi are pale/yellowish. | |
Eristalis interruptus (male) | |
This one , again found in August 2004 is a female Drone Fly (Eristalis tenax) |
This bee mimic is a female of either Eristalis tenax or peritinax |
This one was found in September 2004 in Field Two. Another Eristalis Interruptus? | |
Yet to be identified. This one was found in June 2007 | |
Here's a different angle of the same one. | |
We found this one in Field One in June 2009. Roger Morris has identified this one as Chrysogaster solstitialis. | |
This Criorhina berberina was found in Field 4 on Bramble in June 2009, again, kindly identified for us by Roger Morris. | |
As was this fly, also on Bramble. | |
This very tiny one was on a very shaky Bramble flower, again in June 2009. | |
The following were photographed in September 2009. As yet time has not permitted us to identify these. Any thoughts? | |
Here are a couple of shots of Craneflies (Tipulidae) from 2009. This one is a Tipula Maxima | |
These look like Tipula Oleracea to us. This almost needs a caption competition line such as "Well, I just felt like hanging around" or even "He's well hung" . |